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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Discovering DNA DNA is found in most living things and stores the data that determines our characteristics, such as how we act and what we look like. Our entire DNA sequenceis called a genome.There's an estimated 3 billion basesthroughout our genome. To put into perspective how large a genome is, if a person were to type 60 words per minute for 8 hours a dayit would take them 50 years to type it out. If all the DNA from one person was laid out in a line, it would reach to the moon and back over 6,000 times. There are four bases that make up DNA: Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine. One base pairs with another, Adenine goes to Thymine, and Cytosine to Guanine. They are held together by hydrogen. Nucleotides are the basic building blocks of DNA composed of phosphate, sugar and one of the four bases. They are strung together to form a sequence of DNA. Occasionally, DNA will change or mutate. Mutations can occur in just one section of DNA or many sections. They are caused by multiple factors, such as UV rays or specific chemicals, like drugs. The instructions for an organism to reproduce, develop and survive are found in DNA. DNA needs to create proteins to use as energy. This is done by sending out a specific message that produces proteins. Despite everyone looking different from one another, 99% of our DNA is thesame as everyone else, only 1% is unique. % of DNA the sameas everyone else % of DNA unique In a family, any children share 50% of their genes with their parents, 50% with any siblings and 100% if they are twins. Overall, our entire sequence of DNA, is very complex and is what makes our world so diverse. By Rebecca and Grace
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