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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Czar Nicholas II When Nicholas took the throne, most were peasants in rural villages Nicholas' tutors taught him that the Romanov family ruled as agents of God, and no Tsar could surrender any part of his unlimited powers without throwing away a precious part of Russia's traditions. Modern industry in Russia began to failin the 1850s,and meant more taxes for peasants. Dangers for the monarchy included resentment from the masses and educatedrevolutionaryleaders were pushing the masses toward open rebellion During Nicholas II's coronation, 1300 people were trampled to death. He tried to console the families of the dead, but everyone was prettyangry at him. Nicholas harshly believed his extensive powers should remainintact, and that common involvement in the government was a "senseless dream" The war with Japan led to"Bloody Sunday", where citizens were shot down in front of his palace. The country was shaken, and there was a growing call for political change. The October Manifesto granted a Duma the power to make laws and a constitution.Although Nicholas issued this, he showed severe distaste for these changes. During World War I, military defeats took away from the prestige of the Tsar and his ministers Nicholas abdicated the throne because he was forced by the revolutions of the people, not even his military commanders were willing to help him remain tsar, he could not control the food riots andlabor strikes, and the power from the government crumbled when the military refused to stop the unrest. Former Tsar and his family continued to be the victims of war and revolution. They escaped to Britain, but the government in London hesitated to accept them He believed that a tsar must have absolute power, and he opposed parliamentary government Nicholas II possessed a personal charm, but was not a strong leader. The middle class felt that the monarchy was out of touch with the needs of the new industrial society.Workers in the cities became dissatisfied with living and working conditions Russia went to war with Japan to expand Russian territory in Asia.Russia lost, and people became dissatisfied with the government, leading to a revolt in 1905 Nicholas tried to develop reforms by giving insurance and ownership of land. The outbreak of World War I in 1914 stopped Nicholas' reform programs In 1917, people revolted due to military failures, assumed treason of Nicholas' wife, and food shortages. Bolsheviks imprisoned Nicholas and his wife and children in Yekaterinburg in the Ural Mountains and killed them there on July 17, 1918. In 2000, the Russian Orthodox canonized Nicholas, his family, and 860 others killed by the Bolsheviks.
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