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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ' The North Mexican Tropics (1981) ' "Art is a revolt against faith" ! Bernard Plossu in Mexico Color Fresson The Border (1974) Journey and Return (1970) ABOUT THE AUTHOR... In 1970, after an extended stay in Goa and California, Plossu decided to return to México. After four years, he had already became a professional photographer. Bernard Plossu was born in 1945, in Dalat, Vietnam. Brought up in a bourgeois environment and being more interested in the duties of Cinematheque than in his clases at the Lycee Janson. Cinema was crucial for his visual learning.In 1958 his father took him to the Sahara, where he took his first photos, initial episode that brought together the trip, photography and the desert. "Every day a different neighborhood, a different place. Immense City. For weeks. And hundreds of boys who came running to me, who had never seen a guy like me come to photograph their alleys, shacks, their huts, the sounds, smells. And besides...they smiled at me! (...) " "I needed to communicate the truth about what my eyes saw, show everything as it was". As a tribute to the film "The forgotten", by Luis Buñuel, he moved to the suburbs of Mexico City and focused on the slums. His camera captured the harshness of an unforgiving reality experienced by children and adolescents in the periphery. In 1974, on his third visit, Bernard Plusso traveled along the cities of Tijuana and Ensenada. His images reveal what "just stopping from one place to another". The timing and acrimony to live "on the edge". To Plossu, aborder, rather than a geographical boundary, was "a way of wandering without moving", the instinct of poise. The quiet option of living lost. "The North Mexican Tropics" is the latest series of photographs taken in Mexico in 1981. The images reveal his love affair in the north of Veracruz with photographer François Nuñez, who later became his wife. «To take photographs one has to be like a monk, to achieve a maximum degree of concentration, like with meditation, and at the same time possess a delirious disposition. This is why I say that photographing is a meeting place for that sort of delirium and absolute peace. Photography is made up of those two moments. They combine to create dynamite.»Bernard Plossu talks with Juan Manuel Bonet, 2002. ¡Vámonos! Another fundamental event was the trip he made to Mexico between 1965 and 1966, where he discovered he could be a photographer. Mexico was subject of Plossus first major book, Le voyage mexicain, conceived around 1974 and published in 1979.
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