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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Mainstream students are ill-equipped to be sophisticatedmedia consumers. With thesupport of parents, schools,administrators, and districts,teachers can fit critical media literacy into education, but thereis still no direct link to this crucialsubject in the Common Core Standards. What is Critical Media Literacy? How it fits withCommon Core Why Teach it? Teaching Methods - Learning the "grammar" of mediais useful in resisting its influence- Efficacy of instruction increasesas a function of sessions, and is not impacted by age, setting, or topic- Establishing critical literacy acrosscontexts improves students' ability to grasp literature, also increasingreading and comprehension skills Scaffolding: Students need thebackground of history, political, and social movements, as well as familiarity with techniquesused in mediaBe Bold: Tell students the facts of media to get them engaged, e.g. media messages are constructed, and usually for profit.Use it: Encourage students to complete projects using media, and have them identify the methods and reasons for their media construction Suggested Content: Common Corerecommends "high equality contemporaryworks" along with "seminal U.S.documents, the classics ofAmerican Literature, and the timeless dramas of Shakespeare" - popular media is excludedWriting Anchors: Can be adoptedto include media productionsNot in Language Arts: History/SocialStudies, Science, and technical studiesoffer more opportunity for criticalmedia literacy studies. Conclusions Critical Media Literacy The ability to use and identify the techniques employed in creating media of all types, to evaluate that media for content, meaning, and purpose, situate those messages within broader social and political contexts, and successfully convey a message using multiple forms of media. What it is, Why it's important, and How it fits into the Common Core 1 1 2,3 4 4 1. Jeong, S., Cho, H., and Hwang, Y. (2012). Media literacy interventions: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Communication, 62:3, 454-4722. Foss, A. (2002). Peeling the onion: Teaching critical literacywith students of privilege. Language Arts, 79:53. Hobbs, R. (2004). A review of school-based initiatives in media literacy education. American Behavioral Scientist, 48:2.4. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers. (2010). Common Core State Standards. Researcher: Stephanie A. Everett
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