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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Tips to Sucess Businesses when aiming for a successful business look at quality of product or service provided to expect success.However I like to think that another big factor is how the business, GRIZZLE Trend , treats its customers or members. Happy members tell others the great experiences they had with your business through word of mouth. I highly believe that achieving a high rate of customer satisfaction will allow GRIZZLE Trend to thrive and complete its goal of 1000 discovered trend setters. Start the conversation with a warmwelcome such as Frustrations can occur if one does not listen to the customer.Listen to the customers need andwork to find the best solution Listen ! Listen ! Listen ! Be True to Your Word Never make any promises you are not able to keepDon't say one thing to get them off your backNever Lie ! -Good Morning.. Develop a sense of Company Culture Implement programs that will allow for the company todevelop a unique culture that will be embodied by the employee and funneled to the client Creating values that are breathed and lived by employeeswill rub off on customer service and into your members. Not only should one listen to customerfeedback to improve on future relations,but it should be used to boost staff morale. Its all about Customer Satisfaction ! The Customer is your Friend This allows for a strong, icky relationship to grow between the customer and the employee. Go out of your way to help the client such as suggesting in this case a blog the client might be interested in. Let them know you truly care.
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