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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Coral Reefs are filled withflowering plants (angiosperms)and algae. The flowering plants that are associated with coralreefs are mangroves and seagrass.These flowering plants help createthe complex ecosystem that is the coral reef. CORAL REEF Coral reefs contain 25%of all marine life. Coral reefs themselves are living organisms. In fact, the Great Barrier Reef isthe biggest living thing on the planet. Coral reefs have extremely high levels of biodiversity, because the coral reef provides shelter, food,and places to hide from predators. Clown fish, starfish, sea cucumbers,and sea urchins are just a few of the any species occupying the coral reefs. Map of all coral reefs Coral reefs typically cannot flourish if the water is too warm. Due to global warming, coral reefs have already begun to suffer fromcoral bleaching. Ifthe climate does notimprove globally coral reefs may be ata severe risk. Coral reefs need to be in shallow water. If they are deeperthan 150 feet the sun cannot provide enough sunlight for the reefto grow. Reefs need to stay primarily between 68and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Coral reefs grow an average of two centimeters a year. As the small organisms that makeup the reef grow; the reef expands with it.However, it has been estimated that we'veruined or lost 10% of our coral reefsand that within the next 50 years most coral reefs will no longer exist. This is presumably due to pollution, irresponsible fishing, and global warming. Coral reefs help humans in a multitudeof ways, they absorb impact fromintense waves and protect the land. They also contribute in recycling carbon dioxide, a major contributor to global warming.
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