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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The How-to's of Copyrighting! So? WHAT? HOW? If? Who? THINK! What is copyrighting? Copyright was created in order to protect people from others stealing their original work. "So", you may ask, "If I make the most fantabulous picture, am I protected under the copyright law?" The answer is YES! The lawprotects all creators, no matter what. What, exactly, does copyright protect?It protects almost anything originallymade. This includes music, drawings,photography, videos, poems etc. These original works are called "Intellectualproperty. So how does one use copyrightedmaterials? In order to use these materials you have to first and foremost pay for it, if necessary.For example, if you want to usea song in a presentations, make sure you've paid for it. For mostthings you can do what is called"citing." This means you use the "intellectual property" but youmake sure to tell everyone whereyou found it and who it belongs to.NEVER PASS OFF WORK THAT YOUDIDN'T MAKE AS YOUR OWN! If you were to use the "intellectual property," of another without properly giving them credit, it would be called "plagerism" or"copyright infringement." Since this is a legally binding agreement you have just broken, the consequencesyou could face go beyond just school! Please be careful and don't be afraid to ask if you think you might be plagiarizing. Copyright laws are actually passed by the government. So if you breakone of the laws under the "CopyrightAct of Canada," you'll unfortunatelynot only have to answer to the personyou stole the intellectual property from,but also the government. Now you might be wondering how will you avoid stealing intellectualproperty? As we mentioned before,citing will be key. Furthermore, thelaw has made it so that if you're using something for educational purposes especially, you'd be pro-tected under the "fair dealing" sectionof the copyright law.
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