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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Canadian Intellectual Property Office. (2014, October 3). A Guide to Copyright.[Online] Retreived from: Creative Commons. (2014). Canadian Creative CommonsLicenses. Retrieved from: How to avoid Ie) It is Olsen's belief that "education is a profession of gratitude like no other." (Olsen, 2014) DIRECT QUOTES from a source are fine to use as well, but an exactcopy of the text must be used and placed in quotation marks in yourwork. You also must cite your source! In order to comply with copyright laws, cite the sources you are using using APA, MLA, or Chicago style. Using sources of information is a great way to add credibility toyour work. It is very importantthat if you do use other sourcesthough, that you show wherethese ideas came from byCITING YOUR SOURCES! COPYRIGHT protects all original texts, literature, dramatic or musical pieces and artwork from being used in a way the creator did not intend (Canadian Intellectual Property Office, 2014). Copyright typically lasts thelength of the creator's life,plus an additional 50 years.At this time, the work becomes a part of the PUBLIC DOMAIN, where it can be used freely asthe copyright has expired.(Canadian Intellectual Property Office, 2014) It is illegal to sidestep or break digital locks on copyrighted material by any means! What is PARAPHRASING?Paraphrasing is the rewording of text from a source so that themeaning remains true to thesource, but the exact word phrasing is not being copied DIGITAL LOCKS are a method of copyright protection which preventsunauthorized people from downloading copyrighted material that is online and not intended for that use. Just remember to citeyour sources by givingcredit where it's due!If you are unsure ifyou can use something,ASK! What is Copyright??? 1. Public Domain2. Attribution Allows others to use and change their work,as long as credit is given to the creator of the original work3. Share Alike Others can use and change the material, but must license their work using the same conditions4. No-Derivatives May use the material but may not change it in any way5. Non-Commercial May not use the material for profit6. Copyright (Canadian Creative Commons, 2014) Here are 6 types of licences Here are 6 types of licences copyright infringement and plagerism FYI When paraphrasing, you mustcite the source you are gettingthe information from! They are in order from most open to least open (proprietary)
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