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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Copyright Explained! double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. What is copyright? Public Domain: Copyright protects a piece of work for a limitedtime, including the lifetime of the author plus 50 years added after they pass away. After the 50 years has passed the piece of workenters the public domain andindividuals may do with it what they wish. Copyright is important for meas a future teacher because I willbe incorporating different sources within my classroom and I want tomake sure that I do it legally andethically. I want to provide mystudents with the right exampleso that in the future they do nottake credit for somebody else'swork. Fair Dealing: Fair dealing is for the users benefit, thatpermits usage of a piece of work forthe use of "research, private study, criticism,review, and news reporting. Under Bill C-31, fairdealing now includes education." Fair dealing is important becauseit allows teachers to access differentsources of information to use within theirclassrooms to teach their studentsup to date information about the world. Digital Locks: Digital locks are used by ownersto prevent users from copying orusing their original work without their permission. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is definedas copying someone'swork and taking credit for it as your own original piece of work. It is always importantto demonstarte academic integrity and cite your references. Copyright is defined asa set of laws that protectthe originality of anowners work. It has anestablished set of rules andguidelines for both the ownerand user of the material. Copyright includes intellectual property, which can be definedas a story or lyrics to a song. Citations: Citations acknowledgecredit to the creator of the originalpiece of work. Digital locks are important to mebecause they tell me how I can use somebody else's work. Citations are important to mebecause they allow me to demonstrateacademic integrity.
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