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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Computer Programming Summary >Yearly Salary is $76,140>Hourly is around $36.60 Computer Programmers usually work in offices, where their space has computers to work with.Computer Programmers are most likely to work alone, though on some large projects they may work in a group Training and Degree Requirements Two Interesting Facts As a computer programmer you have to be able to pay attentionto detail, and think analyitacally. Computer programmers have to be able to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing. Create, modify, and test the code, forms,and script that allow computerapplications to run. Work from specifications drawn up by software developers or other individuals. Mayassist software developers by analyzinguser needs and designing software solutions. May develop and write computer programs to store, locate,and retrieve specific documents, data, and information. (O*NET Online) > Most require 4-year Bachelors degree>For this line of work, you need a considerableamount of skill, knowledge, and experience that is related to programming>This occupation needs a couple years in workrelated experince, and even on-the-job training. Some degrees in computer science- Computer and Information Sciences, General; Computer Graphics; Computer Programming, Specific Applications;Computer Programming, General; Management InformationSystems, General; Medical Office Computer Specialistor Assistant Salary Work Enviroment If you want more information visit these sites:
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