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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 - 1 quality about your community that makes it a great habitat for people- 1 quality that makes it a great habitat for animals- 1 quality that makes it a great environmental habitat- 3 specific things about your community that need to be improved for each people, animal, and environmental categories. Mark any of these that apply to your community in your mapped radius. Draw a line from the marking and label the name of the facility or resource on the outside of your map. Continue using the same colors for each of the categories that you used above. 2 hoursminimum a map (download,purchase, or draw) markers,chart paper,glue, tape,pens, pencils Part Four: Reflection EXTRA CHALLENGE: start with a piece of blankchart paper and draw yourcommunity from memory- how big is a 5-mile radiusaround your zip code?- how is your community oriented - to the North, South, East, or West? identify a 2-5 mile radius around your zip code, this is your focus area Part One: Preparing Your Map draw, download, or purchasea map of your city ENVIRONMENTALCHARACTERISTICS ANIMAL CHARACTERISTICS - Mark important areas where you have seen wild animals. Next to the mark, list the types of wild animals you have seen. - Are there any endangered species in your area? Mark these areas and write the name of the species. - mark on your map any vast areas of trees, grass, etc.- mark any bodies of water, oceans, rivers, lakes, etc.- mark mountain ranges, beaches, etc. - Mark important areas for domestic animal use (dog parks, dog friendly hiking areas, etc.). Part Two: Marking Community Characteristics Creating a community map allows you to research your community to learn the geography of the local area, determine areas of need for people, animals, and the environment, and identify potential resources that may support efforts to meet community needs. HUMAN CHARACTERISTICS HUMAN RESOURCES ANIMAL RESOURCES ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES - mark your home- mark your place of work or school- highlight the major streets that run through your community- show where you have fun (local parks, gyms, movie theaters, etc.)- mark important areas for community use (parks, libraries, town hall, youth centers, shelters, police stations, fire stations) - show where you get food (grocery stores, farmer's markets, restaurants, etc.) - hospitals/clinics - shelters - food banks - natural history museum - cultural center - animal shelters- animal rescues- veterinary clinics- zoos or sanctuaries- animal non-profits- endangered species groups - environmental agencies and non-profits - nature centers - arboretums - nurseries - recycling center- potential habitats - areas that could be planted Part Three: Marking Community Resources Example: "Wild animals are being forced out of their homes because of human interactions." Find some space on your map to answerthese questions: Now, it's time to identify the important characteristics that make your community unique. Take a look at the lists below and mark as many of these things that apply. Use different colors or stickers to distinguish between each category. WHATYOU'LLNEED
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