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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 What is Colon Cancer? The cancer of the large intestine, the lower part of the digestive system. Symptoms: change in bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation), blood in the stool, abdominal discomfort (cramps), and unexplained weight loss Many people with colon cancer do not experience any symptomsin the early stages. The symptoms vary on the cancer size. Colon Cancer Types: Gastrointestinal Carcinoid Tumors, Primary Colorectal Lymphomas, Gastrointestinal stromal tumorsLeiomyosarcomas, Melanomas 50+ people diagnosed with colon cancer are over the age of 50 Risk Factors: old age, inflammatory intestinal conditions, family history of colon cancer, Ashkenazi Jews and African Americans are most commonly affected Causes: healthy cells become altered, inherited gene mutations, First degree relatives have a 2-3x risk of getting colon cancer Diagnosis Methods: CT scan, stool test, colonoscopy How to manage the disease New cases in theUSA on average per year 96,830 2-3x double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Treatments: chemotherapy, surgery, targeted drug therapy, radiation therapy 50+ double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to change this title text! double click to change this header text! double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to change this title text! -Make healthier choices: eat better, get more exercise, cut down on alcohol, no tobacco-Keep stress levels under control double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to change this title text! double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to change this header text! double click to change this title text! double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Lifestyle changes after treatment of colorectal cancer. (n.d.). Lifestyle changes after treatment of colorectal cancer. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from cancer. (n.d.). Definition. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from cancer types. (0001, January 1). Types of Colorectal Cancer & Adenocarcinoma. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from Julia Hollo and Elizabeth Korkin
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