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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 What can you do to help pay off all this money? There are some of several ways for this to be done: 1) Parental assistance FIND OUT if your parents or guardian will be covering your post-secondary (college/university) expenses, and if so, HOW MUCH. IF your parents/gaurdian are/is NOT paying the full amount, MAKE SURE you know HOW MUCH remaining left YOU NEED TO PAY, and seek additional ways to help deal with your post-secondary expenses. 2) Registered Educational Savings Program (RESP) and unless a miracle happens, it will KEEP rising. FIND OUT if your parents have set a RESP ACCOUNT for you. It is BETTER if the account has been MADE AROUND WHEN YOU WERE BORN, rather than to have it made when you were 10 or older, because you'd earn less. So... Getting PART/FULL-TIME JOBS during high school, the summer and/or post-secondary will help you EARN THE MONEY to pay off your student debt. The MORE MONEY you earn, the FASTER YOU WILL HAVE enough to pay off your debt. This is a registered program used by parents to help young students get the money they need to attend post-secondary education. College & University Tuition is Rising in Canada MAKE SURE that the TIMES that you are working does NOT INTERFERE with your SCHOOL TIMES, because the time you spend in class to get the grades is MORE IMPORTANT than going to your part/full-time job. 4) Student loans, grants/bursaries, scholarships LOANS: The money you pay back.GRANTS: The money you don't pay back.SCHOLARSHIPS: The money you earn depending on your grades. 3) Employment There are banks, companies or sites that lend, give or reward you money that help pay off your student debt. APPLY to as many RELIABLE SOURCES for GRANTS.IF YOU KNOW you'll get HIGH MARKS, APPLY for many SCHOLARSHIPS. 5) Save up SAVE up on the MONEY you receive, and DON'T SPEND on things you DON'T NEED. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. For more information, visit:
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