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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 004. Teaching & Learning COLLEGE EDUCATIONAL QUALITY LOGO HERE This research agenda aims to create alternative, innovative,and comprehensive measures of educational quality (academicrigor, teaching quality, and educational environment) acrossinstitutions that could contribute to public understanding ofcollege and university quality. ( 001. CURRENT MEASURES 002. US NEWS &WORLD REPORT FORMULA 003. OBAMA'S RESPONSE 005. CEQ PROJECT "We are going to start rating colleges based on opportunity….we’ll use those ratings to make sure that the colleges that keep their tuition down are the ones that will see their taxpayer funding go up….We are going to jumpstart competition between colleges over innovations that help more students graduate in less time"( By contrast, the College Educational Quality (CEQ) projectaims to create alternative, innovative, and comprehensivemeasures of educational quality across institutions that could contribute to public understanding of college anduniversity quality. What is the College Educational Quality project?This project uses a comprehensive understanding of educational quality that gets to the heart of a college education: focusing on academic rigor, teaching quality,and the college educational environmentThis project uses multiple data collection methods to understand educational quality: classroom observations, student survey, and syllabus analysis. Currently, there is a lack of focus in Obama’s plan on two metrics that are the educational core of higher education:teaching and learning. Instead, there is a focus on metrics such as college costs, graduation rate,load default rate, median borrowing, and employment, among others. The public needs information on the level of academic rigor, the teaching quality, and the educational environment of institutions. The quality of a college education must be included in any rating or incentive plan in order to make the promise of access to higher education realized, to increase thestature of education in the U.S., and to increase our competitiveness aroundthe world. The current ways of measuring educational quality across institutions (testing, surveys, accreditation,performance metrics) have had unintended consequences, such as grade inflation, mission creep,the manipulation of institutional data, and thefocus on collecting information that is easily quantifiable (graduation rates, for example) rather than less easilyquantifiable indicators of educational quality. What is missing?......Educational Quality! Faculty Resources 10% Graduation/Retention Rates Alumni Giving Graduation Rate Performance Student Selectivity 22.5% 5% 7.5% 22.5% Peer Assessment Financial Resources 20% 12.5%
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