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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ThemeThe theme of this book is that to stickup for your friendsand be there for them.If you don't have anyfriends, doesn't meannobody notices you. ThemeThe theme of this book is that to stickup for your friendsand be there for them.If you don't have anyfriends, doesn't meannobody notices you. Objective SummaryA group of kids become friends,even though they are nothing alike. The group includes a math nerd, an athlete, a slacker, and the perfect student. The slacker's dad, the headmaster of a prestigious Philadelphia prep school, got arrested for embezzling the school'sendowment. If no one comes up with themoney that they lost, then the school will shut down. That is when this strangegroup of soon to be friends come togetherand make up a plan to rob a U.S. Mint, after they saw it on a school field trip. They actually go through with it and save the school. BennyThe athlete, crush onDakota, use to be in a gang, good with cars DakotaPerfect student, presidentof 12 clubs, rich, likesBenny AliceThe math nerd and goodwith computers, likesJason JasonA slacker, headmasterskid, sort of likes Alice,gets annoyed when peopleask why his dad gotarrested SettingHF- The prep school is where they met up and made the plan,and where they began to be friends.U.S. Mint- Where they took the coins, and then returned it totheir school. Also where theyhelped and stuck for each otherthrough the process. PlotMy plot supports my theme because my theme talks about what happened in my book. They made a plan to rob the U.S. Mint, and get into trouble, so they stick up for each other through the process of robbing the U.S. Mint. ProtagonistsAlice, Jason, Dakota, and BennyAntagonistsNone
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