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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Packaging initiative - plastic bottle made partially from plantsReturning water to natureReducing Carbon footprintLowering Emission in cars andfactoriesUsing solar power coolersReplenish 100% of water used inour ‚productsImprove water e„fficiency 25%Reach a 75% recovery rate of productEducating women to carrying on thedesire to preserve the environmentBuilding partnershipsCreating sustainable communitiesSustainable packagingWorking locallyDecreasing use/recycling waterEducating about recycling productDecreasing product/packagingmaterial Preserving the Environment Cause Alignment How the company addresses issues, whether reactively based on outside pressures, proactively based on company assets, or in a way that aligns the companys mission with community capacity in order to solve social problems. B+ Policies and procedures aimed at conserving the natural resources, preserving the current state of natural environment and, where possible, reversing its degradation. Product Stewardship Criticism Conclusion & Looking Forward CSR Contributions Helped 550,000 female entrepreneurs Increasing selection of reduced-, low-, and no calorie beverages along with front-of-package nutritional labeling. Supported 290+ physically active programs Returned 108.5 billion liters back to communities and nature Everyone involved in the lifespan of the product is called upon to take up responsibility to reduce its environmental, health, and safety impacts. Criticism of Coca-Cola has arisen from various groups, concerning a variety of issues, including health effects, environmental issues, and businesspractices. The Coca-Cola Company, its subsidiaries and products have been subject to sustained criticism particularly since the early 2000s.Ten years ago Coca-Cola began doing CSR.Coca-Cola has done a great job responding to criticism. "Making people unhealthy" Coca-Cola responded by lowering calories."Using up all the water" Coca-Cola responded by pledging to return water to the communities and nature."Questionable production practices" Coca-Cola responded with the goal to empower 5 million women by 2020. Coca-Cola's team is striving for moreinnovation and success to decreasetheir carbon footprint while increasingprofits. Coca-Cola has high goals set to achieve by 2020. I think theycan do it! The bar is continually rising. Coca-Cola admits they are not where they want to be and will continue to work toward a better future for all of us. $5B for sustainable growth in Africa Partnered with RED to fight AIDS Bringing safe drinking water to 1 millionschool children A- Some of Coca-Cola's goal's lack action, like returning water to nature. They need to make S.M.A.R.T goals and be more transparent in their intentions and efforts. Their reports are confusing and should be made more clear and concise. Coca-Cola is doing a lot of good and contributing a large amount of money towards CSR efforts but as stated in their report it is only 1% of their revenue. They can do so much more, yet they should focus in on where they can actually make a difference, like bottling clean water and making greener products. Giving water is in line with a beverage company.Protecting Polar Bears (mascot) is in line withimage but not necessarily mission. Helping people to become more active andlowering calories in drinks is spot on. Comply with Human and Workplace Rights standards400 new beverage products, 100 of which are reduced-, low orno-calorieProduct and ingredient safetySupport physical activityNo marketing to 12 and underSafety in the supply chainEncouraging those they work with to cut emissions, recycle, and be moregreenDelivering medicineDisaster Relief B+
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