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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 At Coca-Cola, sustainabilityis a critical component of ourbusiness strategy. It is about improving lives, creating jobs, increasing opportunity, preserving resources and meeting needs for the communities we proudly serve around the globe. Thereare no issues that will more shape or define the 21st century than the global empowerment of women;the management of the worlds precious water resources; andthe well-being of the worlds growing population.Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEOThe Coca-Cola Company B+ The Coca-Cola Company has a lot of goals and initiatives going which is good but also keeps them from doing the most good they can do. More focus and actionable goals would give them a greater impact. Coca-Cola has partnered withthe WWF to save polar bears. $101.6 million invested in in grants to support sustainable communityinitiatives in 2012 Coca-Cola is the largest beverage company in theworld. Three Ws: Women, Water and Well-Being. Empower 5 million WOMENReturn WATER to communitiesLower calories and supportWELL-BEING throughphysical activity Company Statistics & CSR OVERALL SCORE The Coca-Cola Company will be graded on 1) Preserving the environment, 2) Product Stewardship, and 3) Cause Alignment. Me - Enhancing personal well-being (responsible marketing, well-being)We - Building stronger communities (women, human rights)World - Protecting the environment(packaging, water, sustainable agriculture, climate protection) ME. WE. WORLD.
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