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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 5-6 ONLINE sales perday with Coalashopbeginning at20.03.2015! WHY?To have money incoming so I donยดt have to go andwork for somebody elseTo feel that I succeeded, so to prove myselfTo enjoy the results of my hard workTo give joy to people through our productsTo gain Time on my handLATER (2016) TO GET EXTREMLY RICH!!!:To have money for investing purposesBesides investments, also buy a house for us Goal 2: Start: 13.12.2014 Finish: 20.03.2015 Micro Area 1 Micro Area 2 Micro Area 3 Measuring the prozess MarketingStrageties Everything Administratives Social MediaCampagne ??? Habit page - What habits doI have to have in order to beSuccessful in life? Making blogpostsMaking pictures Pinterest 10.000 followers Facebook 15.000 followers Twitter 4.000 followers Blogging - extremly importantFilling with high value information + linking theseto the 3 main Social MediaProfile! Very time consuming, butessential for success: Jeff Walker - Product launch formula? 3-4 days:Check everything possible onthe website - functions, emailspayment, processes taxes etc.Then double check them!!!Make inventory - storage room? All about!!! Actively engage in social eventslike: Toastmasters, Seminars,Meetups (SM), NETWORKING! HOW? You need to work on astrategy, work out aproject or sth.You need ppl who can helpyou with that! HOW? You need to work on astrategy, work out aproject or sth.You need ppl who can helpyou with that! HOW? You need to work on astrategy, work out aproject or sth.You need ppl who can helpyou with that! 2-3 days:WRITE DOWN EVERY possiblelegal information you will need for taxes, selling, german law, online shop law, USt, limits,where to watch out. 2 hours daily, or 1 day in a week: As much as possible, you need to make good contacts: ??? ??? Working ON the business and not IN the business is important! I need a long term vision! I will need more planning for 2015, with NUMBERS,to generate more money. Investment. SEO Use sale tactics, strategies,like coupons, landing page,ads, affiliate ads, PPA, PPC,free shipping.Look for more tips onlineand use your contacts! Build my email list! Google AnalyticsGoogle Adsense???Softwares helping me to maintain my SM profileslike Tailwind, Ninja Pinner -- > RESEARCH THEM, studythem, learn about them! KonkurrenzanalyseIs that nessessary??? Lead with ValuesTrust and EnthusiasmLove and PersistenceQuality ContentContent Marketing?Forum MarketingCase StudiesLearning about ShopifyInspiration - New Ideas To learn more about it, toread about it, to makeNotizen about all the strategies
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