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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How to Cite using MLA A Book with one Author A Book with two Authors An Encyclopaedia A Magazine or Newspaper Authors last name, first name. Title of book. City of publication: Publisher, date of publication.Example:Parson, Alexander. Amazing Spiders. New York: Knopf, 1990. First author listed, and second author listed (last name, first name and first name last name.) Title of book. City of publication: Publisher, date of publication. Example:Ride, Sally and Tom O'Shaughnessy. The Third Planet. New York: Crown Publishers, 1994. A Website Authors last name, first name. "Title of article." Title of book. Date of edition. Print. Example:Bigg, Michael A. "Whale." The World Book Encyclopedia. 1992. Print. Authors last name, first name "Title of the article." Web. Date of your visit. Title of website. Authors last name, first name. "Title of article." Name of magazine date: page or pages. Print. Example:Bonar, Samantha. "Forecast: Hot and Hotter!" 3-2-1 Contact Always Remember... 1) Follow the punctuation, italics, underlining, and quotation marks. They are all veryimportant!! 2) If you cannot find something, such as author or place of publication, just leave it out. 3) If a magazine, newspaper or encyclopaedia article has two authors:First author listed (last name, first name) and second author listed (first name last name.) Refer to "A book with two authors" example for further explanation. 4) When listing your citations, arrange then in alphabetical order by the authors name. If there is no author refer to the title to find its in the alphabetical list. June 1996: 8-10. Print. Example:Clemens, Paul and Robert M. Hordon. "New Jersey." World Book Online. Web. 12 Dec. 1999. Authors last name, first name. "Title of the article." Name of encyclopaedia. Name of publisher, date of publication. Name of the online subscription Web. Date you visited. A Online Encyclopaedia service hosting the encyclopaedia. or newspaper Example:"Plants." Compton's Living Encyclopedia. Compton's Learning Company, 1996. CLAMSnet. Web. September 28th, 2013
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