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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 China's Water Quality Urbanization Solution Currently in China theres awater quality issue due to urbanization. Urbanization is the rapid growth of a population in an area. More people lead to more pollutants contaminating the environment. Pollutants from cars and litter that settle onto pavement (or any impermeable surface) will become part of runoff which eventually ends up in our water sources. Since these toxins enter our water system, it hurts us as well as the marine life in that water system. One disturbance in the food chain will affect the rest of the ecosystem; for example if the population of trout were to decrease the population of bears would decrease too, because trout is one of the main sources of food for bears. In china the population is expected to continue growing, which means the pollution will continue to increase, killing the wildlife and decreasing the availability of potable drinking water unless we do something to help. Currently in China there’s awater quality issue due to urbanization. Urbanization is the rapid growth of a population in an area. More people lead to more pollutants contaminating the environment. Pollutants from cars and litter that settle onto pavement (or any impermeable surface) will become part of run-off which eventually ends up in our water sources. Since these toxins enter our water system, it hurts us as well as the marine life in that water system. One disturbance in the food chain will affect the rest of the ecosystem; for example if the population of trout were to decrease the population of bears would decrease too, because trout is one of the main sources of food for bears. In china the population is expected to continue growing, which means the pollution will continue to increase, killing the wildlife and decreasing the availability of potable drinking water unless we do something to help. If this problem isn't controlled now it could cost all potable water in China. I believe China should consider solutions to help prevent this potentially fatal problem. One possible solution would be to promote a plan to create small valleys and/or gullies along roads or impermeable surfaces that have been in contact with pollution. These valleys would lead to a nearby water treatment facility so the contaminated water can be cleaned and used. This option will provide a way to reduce the amount of pollutants in China’s water systems and a lot of labor will be needed to carry through the plan so it’ll provide jobs. On the downside it will cost money, depending on how much the government may be able to provide, taxes will have to be raised until enough money is collected. After money is collected, and workers are hired, a blueprint must be made to know where the valleys have to be dug and where they lead to. Once this plan is finished I think the government should also remind the public about the importance of water conservation and protection of our water systems. Improved water source, rural (% of rural population with access)85% 201285% 201185% 201083% 200982% 2008
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