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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Synthesizing Adenine ADENINE The Basis of Life Natural and synthetic sources of adenine perform equal. However, natural adenine is more easily attainable, thus superior. Why is adenine hard toartificially synthesize? Uses and Significance Natural Sources Adenine is largely known for its existence as a nucleotidebase in DNA where it provides instructions for making proteins.However, adenine is also important in other biochemicalreactions like cellular metabolism as one of the basic methodsof transferring chemical energy in the form of ATP(adenine combined with the sugar ribose). Adenine can be found in many living or once livingorganisms. For example, adenine can be found inall whole grains, numerous herbs, and herbal extracts like strawberries and sage. It is found in DNA as a nucleotide base. During DNA replication, 85% of adenineis naturally created through polyamine synthesis. The best method of synthesizing adenine involvesa reaction of HCN and liquid ammonia which has a 20% yield. Other methods include heating a solution of ammonium cyanide at 70 degreesCelsius for several days and freezing ammoniacalcyanide for several years. According to a journal on chemical evolution,the formation of adenine through pentamerization is veryexothermic and should occur easily. However, there are highreaction barriers that make the process difficult to achieve.Other molecules must actively participate in the reaction tolower the energy required to break the reaction barrier to areasonable level. Frozen Ammoniacal HCN HCN + Liquid Ammonia 0.5% 0.04% 20 % 20% Heating Ammonium Cyanide Adenine DNA ATP Vitamin B-4 Adenine is also a form of VitaminB-4. Many experts and doctors suggestthat adenine can boost the immunesystem along with reducing the chanceof contracting illnesses such as gastro-intestinal disturbances, sensitivity toinsulin and low blood sugar. Energies Involved During Pentamerization
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