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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Lord of the Flies Lynn Vo, Isabella Virzi, Spencer Waldron Symbol: The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is filled with symbols. A symbol that has many different meanings, other than its physical appearance, is the fire that the boys build in chapter 2. The fire represents the boys and the power they can have on the island if they work together, Almost to heavy. Jack smiled. Not for the two of us. (Golding 39). This quote shows how when the boys realize what they can accomplish when they work together. Another important symbol in the novel is the conch shell. First, the conch shell called all the boys together and when they called for a vote, Ralph who had the conch, was elected their leader. The conch shell is truly a symbol of power when the rule is made that whoever has it gets to speak. William Golding uses symbols in his novel to give a deeper meaning to the character and objects that the reader encounters on the island. Character: Ralph The book, Lord of the flies by William Golding ,has multiple characters who exemplify many different personalities traits. Ralph is one of the more diverse characters within the story. Hes not Fatty, cried Ralph, His real names Piggy.(Golding 21) Ralph can be mean and untrustworthy at times, as shown in the quote when he gives away Piggys secret. However this quote represents how Ralph is stepping up to become a good leader of their small group by organizing jobs within their new society Jack's in charge of the choir. They can be...hunters. Ralph was put into the role as chief, hes beginning to understand that since he is in charge and that it his job to give out responsibilities to all the other boys in order to survive. Point of View:The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, uses different point of views from 3rd person omniscient to third person limited, to illustrate how a character can create an understanding of others, and tell the story through their eyes. An example of this, can be found on page 68 where Simon is watching Ralph and Jack, and showing the audience just how mad Ralph really is. The quote is,Simon looked now, from Ralph to Jack, as he had looked from Ralph to the horizon, and what he saw seemed to make him afraid. This quote is significant because it shows how Simon feels about Ralph and Jack, and what their initial jobs are. Another example of a point of view change is found on page 7, The owner of the voice came backing out of the undergrowth so that twigs scratched on a greasy wind breaker. How the conversation is changed between the different point of views to illustrate the importance of the characters and their surroundings. Religious Imagery: William Golding, in Lord of the Flies, uses religious imagery when describing the snake or beastie the boys refer to. He still says he saw the beastie. It came and went away an came back and wanted to eat him…” (Golding 36) This quote about the beastie could be a sign of religious imagery because of its similarity to the Biblical story, The Garden of Eden, in which Adam and Eve are cursed by a snake which is a representation of the devil. Right now in the story this snake or beastie is a sign of evil on the island.
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