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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] An Effect on Charles Dickens The Poor Law of 1834 had effected Charles Dickens. The law effected Charles' descriptions. His writing had more details, was realistic, was powerful, and was meaningful. The law also changed Charles' charaters. Protagonists were poor while antagonists were wealthy. The Poor were good and clever and the wealthy were mean and selfish. The events in Charles Dickens' books were affected as well. The events were more realistic and showed the effects of the law. Andrews, A. B. (2012). Charles Dickens, Social Worker in His Time. Social Work, 57(4), 297. doi:10.1093/sw/sw010Gissing, George. (1898). Charles Dickens: A Critical Study. Dodd MeadJones, R., & SACHS, A. (2012). Charles in Charge. Time, 179(4), 52SWEENEY, J. M. (2012). THE ARTFUL CRITIC. America, 207(15), 29Satterfield, K. (2012). How Charles Dickens Changed the World.Scholastic Scope, 61(5), 15Schama, S. (2012). A Dickens for Our Times. Newsweek, 159(7), 58Smith, R. (2013). A strange Condition of Things: Alterity and Knowingnessin Dickens' "David Copperfield" Educational Philosophy And Theory, 45(4), 371-382.Tindall, G. (2012). Further twists. History Today, 62(12), 6. Timko, M. (2013). Oliver Twist, Parish Boy: Charles Dickens' Glance at the Misery of England's Poor Law and Workhouses. World & I, 28(3), 7. Resources double click to change this title text! double click to change this title text!
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