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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Formative Summative and -Gauge students' knowledge and understanding-Diagnose problems/misconceptions-Adjust instruction IF done well it can-Hook students' interest-Deepen their understanding-Strengthen their reasoningproficiencies Chapter 8: Personal Communication As Classroom Assessment Most will be formative -Sometimes the curriculum requires teachersto use communication/discussions/oralexaminations for summative measures -Can give the benefit of allowing followup questions-Could attain greater accuracy of results Some can be summative double click to change this header text! The FIRST consideration for using personalcommunication method is to know the typeof learning target to be assessed (chapter 4). Make sure to hearfrom enough students.Maximize engagement!-Collect responses -Call on volunteersAND nonvolunteers Explain that "wait time" is "think time".Make sure to a positive and respectful classroom environment! Instructional Questions ClassDiscussions Conferences Journals and Logs Assess Knowledge/Understanding/Reasoning-Plan key questions in advance-Ask clear/brief questions-Label the type of reasoning you want (comparing, analyzing..)-Rephrase questions-Ask students to elaborate Enhance Reasoning and Understanding-Prepare questions in advance=Practice evaluating with colleagues-Track individual achievement with scoring checklist/rubric-Tell students what they will be judged on Establish a deeper understandings of the student as a learner-Provides Insights to guide further learning/Asses students' grasp of knowledge and reasoning targets-Can diagnose underlying instructional needs and plans for interventions-Plan out questions in advance.-Have samples of student work available-Tell the student the purpose Used for a variety of reasons-Response journals to construct meaning from text-Dialogue journals between teachers and students-Personal journals to give chance to respond or reflect-Learning logs to reflect, analyze, describe, and evaluate learning (ongoing) Oral examinations are mostly used for summative purposes-Plan and pose questions on desired learning targets for students to reflect and provide oral responses-Questions are constructed like selected response, short-answer, orextended written response items-Give time for student to practice beforehand-Use simple Vocabulary Whether using personal communication methods as a foramtive activity or summative, remember to always try and use rubrics or scoring checklists to hinder biases.
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