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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Salesperson Recruiting & Selection What's Achievement Management? What's Achievement Management? Job description &Job qualification Love sellingGood personalityHave all qualifications from the department Hiring criteria for salesperson BUSINESS GOALS EVERYBODY has clear targets, aligned to business goals EVERYBODY has clear targets, aligned to business goals. Tell them what you expect them to ACHIEVE! Validating the hiring process ACHIEVEMENT PLAN What's that? 10-20 Responsibilities ... each with 1-3 measurable targets Handle incoming phone-calls * Nobody waits longer than 30 secs * Boss always returns important calls same day E.g. Handle incoming phone-calls * Nobody waits longer than 30 secs * Boss always returns important calls same day E.g. Evaluate the new employee within the first week after they have been hired. If their performanceson their work is not reached the expectationof the evaluating person. That new employees will be discharge. Selection process How do we use it? MKT3525 Sales Management Section 408 Semester 1/2014 Identifying / removing barriers to achievement -> Also used for: The company call-in the candidate for final interview and decidedwhether that candidate have high ability to work for the firm double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to change this header text! You should have experienceGood personality and cheerfulPay attention to learn new thingsBe enthusiastic
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