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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The function of DNA is to contain all genetic information to create an organism in base pairs, determining which protein is produced which is then shipped off to the nucleus. Nucleus After the protein is produced,the nucleus maintains theintegrity of the genes andproteins to control activitiesof the cell and regulate geneexpression. Pores allow RNAto enter and leave the cell,and into the nucleolus. Nucleolus The nucleolus then producesribosomal subunits fromprotein and RNA it was given,sending subunits to the cellwhere they turn into completeribosomes. Ribosomes created proteinused in many ways by the cell.The ribosomes are either free inthe cytoplasm, or heading to therough endoplasmic reticulum.There, proteins are processedthat originated from the ribosomes,exporting them to the Golgi Apparatususing vesicles. DNA Ribosomes Proteins are processed from theribosomes in the rough endoplasmicreticulum which are then sent to the GolgiApparatus through vesicles, but before that comes the job of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum With the smooth endoplasmicreticulum, it produces vesiclesthat carry things such as lipids and protein. Ribosomes are exported tothe Golgi Apparatus by therough endoplasmic reticulum,and it sorts, modifies, packages,and sends things around the cell.After modification, protein is packaged into vesicles and released out of the cell. Golgi Apparatus Cell Organelle Infographic | Maxwell Schuler Vesicles Vesicles transport anythingfloating around in a cell,outside the cell, or tothe plasma membraneusually carrying protein. Lysosome The lysosome, a vesicle,bacteria gets killed, anddigested in white bloodcells. Proteins are brokendown as well as othercell parts. Peroxisome The peroxisome, also avesicle, is where toxins, and fatty acids are brokendown. It relates to proteinas proteins are destined forperoxisomes. Vacuole Vacuoles storenutrients for thecell, as well aswaste from thecell. It holdsprotein andis made ofprotein. Mitochondria The mitocondria's overallfunction is to performcellular respiration,breaking down glucoseand citric acid in orderto create energy. Centrosome Centriole The centrosome centrioleassists in cell division,pulling chromosomes toeither side with tubules.The centrosome centrioleis made up by microtubes. Flagella The flagella are longappendages that rotate in aspiral motion, which are madeof microtubes, being composedof protein. Cytoskeleton The cytoskeleton, whichis primarily composed ofprotein, is in place tomaintain the cell'sstructure. Cytoplasm The cytoplasm is athick liquid thatholds organelles, butdoes not containthe nucleus. In thecytoplasm, glycolysisand cell division occur. The cytosolis a gel thatis locatedinside ofother cellorganelles,primarily made ofprotein. Cytosol Plasma Membrane Finally, the plasma membranecontrols what goes in and outof the cell, controlling how muchprotein is being incorporated intoother functions in the cell.
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