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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Celiac Disease Celiac disease is a genetically predisposed disorder that affects the digestive system. When gluten is digested, the small intestine (specifically villi) gets damaged. The digestive system breaks down foods so that the body can absorb nutrients that are used for cellular processes. Enzymes break down different macromolecules in the food into nutrients. The mouth mechanically and chemically break down food using the teeth and saliva.The pharynx forces the food down the esophagus into the stomach. In the stomach, different enzymes break down different macromolecules in the food into nutrients.The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas secrete more enzymes and chemicalsthat further break down the contents in the stomach. The contents travel through the small intestine, where all the nutrients are absorbed by villi.The remaining stuff goes through the large intestine, which absorbs all the water in the leftover contents and compacts the indigestible materials to be released out of the body through the anus. Symptoms symptoms;these are the most common: There are over 300 Varies among peopleand in severity -may be confused with other diseases-symptoms vary greatly are required for proper diagnosis. Blood tests endoscopic biopsy and an An autoimmune disorder CONSTANT It is very difficult to diagnose: which means that when gluten is digested, the immune systemproduces antibodies that attack the villi of the small intestine and which over time, can no longer absorb nutrients. -Have large appetite yet they manage to lose weight Many people have a change of personality, but most live normal lives, just with no consumption of gluten. Many people have a change of personality, but most live normal lives, just with no consumption of gluten. -malnutrition, anemia, -osteoporosis -miscarriage -thyroid disease-SLE ,type 1 diabetesmellitus, liver disease-collagen vascular diseases-rheumatoid arthritis -intestinal cancers Long Term Effects+Problems double click to change this title text! Treatment The only way to treat celiac disease is to not digest gluten for the rest of your life. Some patients may tolerate gluten more than others, but staying away from gluten will keep the small intestine from further harm. Not curable; it's treatable Outlook This disease can develop symptoms at any age. And since there a wide range of symptoms, many patients can be left untreated.This can lead to long term problems. Not necessairly physically affecting, unless the joint pain symptom occurs. by Ethan Leong 2nd period The Digestive System The Digestive System GLUTEN "Celiac Disease Foundation -." Celiac Disease Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2014. "National Foundation for Celiac Disease Awareness." Celiac Disease Symptoms and Gluten-Free Diet Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. "Celiac Disease: MedlinePlus." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. This disease is not life-threatening, unless you eat gluten.This disease is not fatal, unless the disorder goes untreated and long term problems occur. Detection -diarrhea-constipation-recurring abdominal pain and bloating-irritability -depression -weight loss -bone or joint pain-muscle cramps -tooth discoloration -loss of enamel -itchy skin rashes -fatigue -seizures-growth problems (in children)-sometimes no symptoms
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