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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Seabiscuit: An American Legend By: Laura Hillenbrand Charles Howard started an automobile repair shop after automobiles were created. He accepted horses for cars after he had opened a car shop. To get publicity for his car shop he entered in many daredevil races. After becoming successful in his car business Charles Howard divorced.He later remarried though. Meanwhile when Charles Howard was becoming wealthy a man by the name of Charles Strub was not. Charles Strub was in debt of in debt of over a million dollars, so he needed a way to get rich quickly.He soon had the Santa Anita racing park built in hopes of paying off his debt. Meanwhile when Charles Howard was becoming wealthy a man by the name of Charles Strub was not. Charles Strub was in debt of in debt of over a million dollars, so he needed a way to get rich quickly.He soon had the Santa Anita racing park built in hopes of paying off his debt. Charles Howard and his wife, Marcela, wanted to win at the Santa Anita. They hired a man by the name of Tom Smith, to hire their new horses.Tom Smith was said to have had generations of lost knowledge about horses. He knew horses when he saw them. One day, while at a race course, an underweight horse caught his eye. This horse was Seabiscuit. Seabiscuit had been neglected by his owners after proving to be a bad race horse who never won.Tom Smith, with Charles Howard's approval bought Seabiscuit. A long standing figure was about to make his way into American history. The next step for Tom Smith and Charles Howard was to find a good jockey to ride Seabiscuit. After looking for a jockey, the jockey found Tom Smith. The jockey had just walked a long way after his agent's car had crashed. His agent tried to find someone who would let the jockey, nicknamed Red, ride.Finally they came to Tom Smith.Tom Smith, remembering another nickname of the jockey, cougar, thought he could be a possible option.Red (John) Pollard was a small man in his mid twenties when he came to Tom Smith. He had a natural sense of humor and of riding horses. When Red started riding Seabiscuit, Seabiscuit was edgy and aggresive. When Red Pollard became extremely injured George Wolf rode Seabiscuit to win more races. Tom Smith then had to start training Seabiscuit for two main categories: behavior and racing. When Tom Smith thought he was ready he started to enter Seabiscuit in races.At first Seabicuit didn't understand he had to run but enjoyed annoying the other horses.Finally at one race Seabiscuit started to run so fast mid-way into the race that he broke a record and was fourth in the race.After that Seabiscuit started to understand the races more and respond to what his trainer and rider want him to do through cues. Throughout the rest of Seabicuit's racing career he wenton to race against the top horses of the nation and win. He also broke numerous track records, gain $437,730 in his entire racing career, and left a lasting impression not only on the individuals who worked with him but many people of the United States from 1936 to 1940.This book also inspired the movie of the same name which makes Seabiscuit well known. This is a picture of Seabiscuit and Charles and Marcela Howard at their home and stables at Ridgewood. Ridgewood also featured statues to Seabiscuit and George Wolf.
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