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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ITEM NO. 004 Temporary Energy, PERMANENT POLLUTION LOGO HERE Where does all that energy go? ITEM NO. 003 ITEM NO. 005 description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here description here description here description here description here 13% 44% 32% 19% 7% Air Drag (2.6%) Shifting those gears loses %5.6 of the usable energy of fuel in your vehicle The Engine (62.4%) Braking causes thecycle to start all over again! Braking itself causes %5.8 of energy losses Accessories (2.2%) Your luxurious accessories such as radio and air conditioning account for %2.6 energy loss. Idling (17.2%) THE BRAKES (5.8%) Effective Energy Left Over! 4E1 2012 Clement PORTALES Air drag/resistance on a moving vehicle accounts for 2.6% of energy losses in a vehicle %62.4 of usable fuel energy is lost in the internal combustion engine itself! Converting chemical energy to mechanical energy, engine friction, heat loss, and air intake and exhaust murder efficiency! Idling uses 17.2 percent of usable fuel energy in an internal combustion engine. Shut yourengine off when waitingfor someone! Driveline and Tranny (5.6%) Rolling Resistance (4.2%) Getting those tires moving and overcoming the weight of the vehicle accounts for %4.2 loss of usable energy of the fuel in your tank! Energy Wasted 85% 15%
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