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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Face of Classroom 21 Things Capstone for 1-7 Set Objectives and Provide Feedback Face of Classroom ~Weebly for Education~WordPress ~Popplet ~Wordle~OR Codes Visual Learning Reinforce Effort and Provide Recognition ~Backchannel~Skype CooperativeLearning ~Weebly for Education~WordPress Face of Classroom ~Dropbox~Diigo~Symbaloo Collaboration Cloud Initiation Communication ~Google Drive~Doodle~Lino ~Weebly for Education~WordPress Face of Classroom ~Backchannel~Skype IdentifyingSimilarities and Differences ~Weebly for Education~WordPress Generating and Testing Hypotheses ~Weebly for Education~WordPress NonlinguisticRepresentations Visual Learning Face of Classroom Visual Learning ~Popplet ~Wordle~OR Codes Collaboration ~Google Drive~Doodle~Lino Face of Classroom ~Weebly for Education~WordPress Communication Classroom Instruction That Works (Best Practice Strategies) featuring ~Popplet ~Wordle~OR Codes Cues, Questions, and Advanced Organizers Face of Classroom ~Weebly for Education~WordPress Visual Learning ~Popplet ~Wordle~OR Codes Cloud Initiation ~Dropbox~Diigo~Symbaloo Productivity ~Evernote ~Zamzar~Google Calendar~Live Binder Summarizing and Note-Taking Face of Classroom ~Weebly for Education~WordPress Visual Learning ~Popplet ~Wordle~OR Codes Cloud Initiation ~Dropbox~Diigo~Symbaloo Collaboration ~Google Drive~Doodle~Lino Productivity ~Evernote ~Zamzar~Google Calendar~Live Binder Assigning Homework and Providing Practice Face of Classroom ~Weebly for Education~WordPress Cloud Initiation ~Dropbox~Diigo~Symbaloo Collaboration ~Google Drive~Doodle~Lino Communication Productivity ~Backchannel~Skype Basics ~Evernote ~Zamzar~Google Calendar~Live Binder ~Digital Portfolio~Screenshots~Keyboarding Skills~ZoomIT
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