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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Prehistoric Mathematics BabylonianMathematics Greek Mathematics Early man kept track of regular occurrences such as the phases of the moon and the seasons. Some of the very earliest evidence of mankind thinking about numbers is from notched bones in Africa dating back to 35,000 to 20,000 years ago. But this is really mere counting and tallying rather than mathematics as such. The Ishango Bone Ahmes was an ancient Egyptian scribe who lived during the Second Intermediate Period and the beginning of the Eighteenth Dynasty. He wrote the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, a work the dates to around 1650 BC. Phythagoras570 B.C. – 495 B.C. Euclid 325 B.C.- 265 B.C. The ancient Greek number system, know as Attic or Herodianc numerals,fully developed around 450 BC. It was a base 10 system similar to the Egyptian. Symbols 1,5,10,50,100,500, and 1,000. Egyptian Mathematics The early Egyptians settled along the fertile Nile valley as early as about 6000 BC.The Pharaoh’s surveyors used measurements based on body parts to measure land and buildings very early in Egyptian history, and a decimal numeric system was developed based on our ten fingers. The oldest mathematical text from ancient Egypt discovered so far, though, is the Moscow Papyrus, which dates from the Egyptian Middle Kingdom around 2000 - 1800 BC. the many The of History of Archimedes 287 B.C- 212 B.C. Plimpton 322 The three best-known ancient Greek Mathematicians are Pythagoras, Euclid, and Archimedes. Babylonian mathematics was based on a sexegesimal, or base 60, numeric system, which could be counted physically using the twelve knuckles on one hand the five fingers on the other hand. Babylonian numbers used a true place-value system, using base 60 not base 10.
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