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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 In the early stages, breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer can be impossible to see or feel. That's why regular screening is important. Cancer Screening's Impact on the World Some Cancer Screening Societies use CAUTION to watch for symptoms. Being over treated, false positives, false negatives, andmany unnecessary tests if the doctors were wrong are all negative outcomes of cancerscreening. Along with possible injuries from the biopsy, sometimes people say screeningis more dangerous than not. Benefits and Drawbacks Cancer Screening Programs double click to change this header text! Before Cancer Screening There Was No Way To Tell Until It Was Too Late To Properly Treat Symptoms Routine cancer screening saves lives ifyou find the cancer early enough and treat it. Change in bowel or bladder habitsA sore that does not healUnusual bleeding or dischargeThickening or lump in the breast, testicles, or elsewhereIndigestion or difficulty swallowingObvious change in the size, color, shape, or thickness of a wart, mole, or mouth soreNagging cough or hoarseness Cancer screening is intended to improve the well-being of our society, although sometimes that may not be the outcome; it was always planned that it would helpnot hurt. Cancer screening can be costly. If the screening is not covered by the government, socially the patients will have to find other means to get the money. Politically, this would mean that Universal Health Care is not completely perfect. Cancer screening had been considered the clash of science and intuition. Cancer screening tests involve a physical exam, and a look at your medical history. An exam of the body to check general signs of health, including checking for signs of disease, such as lumps or anything else that seems unusual. A history of the patients health habits and past illnesses and treatments will also be taken. Next there are laboratory tests. Here medical procedures that test samples of tissue, blood, urine, or other substances in the body occur. Then imaging procedures happen. These are procedures that make pictures of areas inside the body. Lastly genetic tests take place. These are tests that look for certain gene mutations (changes) that are linked to some types of cancer. Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada. Nearly 40% of cancer deaths in Canada are due to lung and colorectal cancers.Cancer is predominately seen in those 50 and over. Cancer death rates are declining in Canada, but incidence rates in some cancers are still rising. In 2012, an estimated 186,400 new cases of cancer were diagnosed and 75,700 cancer deaths occurred in Canada.
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