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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 DAY 1 Where is your IT security organisation today and where should it be? double click to change this header text! Integration and application Reflection Group feedback Aligning IT security priorities withbusiness priorities Integration and application Reflection Group feedback Execute the plan Only what is gettingmeasured gets done Integration and application Integration and application Group feedback Reflection Reflection Group feedback DAY 3 Introduction Where is your IT security and controlswhen it comes to cloud computingimplementations? Build the right focus Integration and application Reflection Group feedback The Scope: Risk management;implementation & optimisation Risk management, implementation& optimisation application Reflection Group feedback Where is your IT security when it comesto mobile computing, social networksand big data initiatives?Build the right focus Integration into risk managementstructure application Reflection Group feedback DAY 2 DAY 4 Regulatory environment& the use of standards What tools are availableto use with these ethodologies? Reflection Group feedback Recap of Day 1 Case studies Case studies continued... Lessons learned from case studies application Reflection Group feedback How to use standards & certificationsin your risk management profile whenconsidering regulatory compliance;implementation & optimisation Risk managementprofile application Reflection DAY 5 Part 1: Maximise the Effectiveness of your IT Security Part 2: Disruptive Trends & the Security Challenge Part 3: Certificates, Standards & Regulations 1.1 FOUNDATION 2.1 THE CLOUD 2.2: MOBILE, SOCIAL & BIG DATA 3.1 WHAT ARE THE STANDARDSCERTIFICATIONS REGULATIONS Group feedback Recap of Day 1
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