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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Greek, Roman, Islamic and other empires expanded their territory to excert control over more land and get more resources. They wanted to expand their religonsand philophies into new empires. Developing National Identity Developing National Identity Smaller units joined together because of advances in warfare which lead to kings taking the land. Citizens also developed a sense of identity because of similar beliefs & languages. Smaller units joined together because of advances in warfare which lead to kings taking the land. Citizens also developed a sense of identity because of similar beliefs & languages. As people moved from rural to urban areas,monarchs supportedthe urban areas most. They improved tradeing laws and lifted barriers. In turn the cities gave them allegance and wealth. As people moved from rural to urban areas,monarchs supportedthe urban areas most. They improved tradeing laws and lifted barriers. In turn the cities gave them allegance and wealth. Exploration Exploration Exchange of goods & products What factors developedthe Western Worldview What factors developedthe Western Worldview Imperialism Imperialism The age of exploration began when Portugal, Spain, France & England became more powerful. They each had an Atlantic coastline putting them in the best position to explore.The monarchs of these countries funded new explorations. As well as new ship designs, navagational tools & info about faroff lands. The age of exploration began when Portugal, Spain, France & England became more powerful. They each had an Atlantic coastline putting them in the best position to explore.The monarchs of these countries funded new explorations. As well as new ship designs, navagational tools & info about far-off lands. The Age of Exploration alsolead to imperialism. As thecountries explored they quicklyrealized the wealth of lands. The Age of Exploration alsolead to imperialism. As thecountries explored they quicklyrealized the wealth of lands. The exchange of goods affected the overall economy and ways of life around the world. It had both benificial effects and destructive effects The new found exchange ofmore goods had a great impacton the indigenous societies. As Europeans explored theybrought diseases with them.These indigenous people lacked immunity to these diseases. The European worldview changed after seeing the indigenous people.They were impressed by their ideas ofgovernment, lack of property ownership and their personal liberty. The European worldview changed after seeing the indigenous people.They were impressed by their ideas ofgovernment, lack of property ownership and their personal liberty. As travel and exploration were favouredconsumerisn increased. People wantednew trade routes. Explorors and countrysraced to find these new paths. The countriesfunded expensive expeditions, merchants werefueled to do the same.
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