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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Understanding Bullying Understanding Bullying 3 3 Social and Emotional Social and Emotional What is Bullying? What is Bullying? Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological aggressive behavior by a person or group directed towards a less powerful person or group that is intended to cause harm, distress or fear. 1 1 4 4 2 2 Physical Physical Verbal Verbal Cyber Cyber Common Types of Bullying Common Types of Bullying This form of bullying includesany form of physical harm tothe victim, including pushing, kicking, tripping or destroying of personal belongings. Verbal bullying includes repeatedname-calling, insults,teasing, intimidation, or verbal abuse. This form of bullying includesactions, such as lying or spreading rumors, that are intended to harm someone'sreputation. Did you know? Did you know? Verbal or emotional bullying done through social media, textmessaging, or sharing photos of a victim with intentions of humiliation. Did you know? Did you know? 1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4% of the time. 1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4% of the time. 1 in 10 students drop out of school because of repeated bullying. 1 in 10 students drop out of school because of repeated bullying. Effects of Bullying Effects of Bullying The Bully The Bully The Bullied The Bullied Be abusive toward their romantic partners, spouses, or children as adults Be abusive toward their romantic partners, spouses, or children as adults Loss of interest in activitiesthey used to enjoy. Loss of interest in activitiesthey used to enjoy. Depression, anxiety, andincreased feelings of sadness andloneliness. Depression, anxiety, andincreased feelings of sadness andloneliness. Abuse alcohol and other drugsin adolescence and as adults Abuse alcohol and other drugsin adolescence and as adults Drop out of school, get intofights, and vandalize property Drop out of school, get intofights, and vandalize property Children who bully others are likely to engage in similar behaviors as adults. Those who bully are more likely to: Children who bully others are likely to engage in similar behaviors as adults. Those who bully are more likely to: Children who are bullied by others experienceseveral negative issues. They are more likelyto experience: Children who are bullied by others experienceseveral negative issues. They are more likelyto experience: Decreased academic achievementand school participation. Decreased academic achievementand school participation. How Parents Can Help How Parents Can Help Did you know? Did you know? Students who witness bullying are more likely to miss or skip school even if they are not bullied. Students who witness bullying are more likely to miss or skip school even if they are not bullied. Look for the Warning Signs Look for the Warning Signs Is Your Child Being Bullied? Is Your Child Being Bullied? Is Your Child Bullying Others? Is Your Child Bullying Others? Not all children who are bullied or bully others show warning signs, but there are some that parents should look out for. Not all children who are bullied or bully others show warning signs, but there are some that parents should look out for. Lost or destroyed personal itemssuch as books, clothes, and jewelryFaking illness, declining grades, and not wantingto go to schoolUnexplained injuries Lost or destroyed personal itemssuch as books, clothes, and jewelryFaking illness, declining grades, and not wantingto go to schoolUnexplained injuries Signs that your child may bebullying others include the following: Signs that your child may bebullying others include the following: Signs that your child may be bulliedinclude: Signs that your child may be bulliedinclude: Blaming others for their problems andnot accepting responsibility for theiractionsChild becomes increasingly aggressiveUnexplained money or new belongings Blaming others for their problems andnot accepting responsibility for theiractionsChild becomes increasingly aggressiveUnexplained money or new belongings Did you know?In 2012, less than 40% of bullying incidentswere reported to an adult. Did you know?In 2012, less than 40% of bullying incidentswere reported to an adult. Tips for Parents Tips for Parents Speak with your child'steacher.Involve your child in activities to help them make new friends.Teach your child to display confidence. Speak with your child'steacher.Involve your child in activities to help them make new friends.Teach your child to display confidence. Speak with your child or a school administrator to find out the reason for their aggression.Explain to your child the damage they are doing to other students. Speak with your child or a school administrator to find out the reason for their aggression.Explain to your child the damage they are doing to other students. National Crime Prevention
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