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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Passing Fences Behind a Mask 6 Degrees of Separation Metamorphosis Start Freedom Freedom is the most important motivation in transformation. The desire to be who you are and to do what you want is themost basic human need; without it people feel trapped and confined. Therefore freedom is the foremost motivator for everything; including transformation. Whether it iscircumstantial or mental, people will have the desire to changeto become happier with their situation in life. Although just because it is desired, does not mean that everyone is successful with his or her transformation towards freedom. Freedom is the most important motivation in transformation. The desire to be who you are and to do what you want is themost basic human need; without it people feel trapped and confined. Therefore freedom is the foremost motivator for everything; including transformation. Whether it iscircumstantial or mental, people will have the desire to changeto become happier with their situation in life. Although just because it is desired, does not mean that everyone is successful with his or her transformation towards freedom. Freedom in Transformation Freedom in Transformation Although at first Clare expressed her satisfaction at having a "white" life,later it is discovered that she actually feels confined by her racist husband and feels that she can not be truly happy unless she is back in the black community. At an attempt to feel free about who she really is, she tries to merge into Irene's life. Her transformation was to become more involved in the black community. Her transformation is not successful because she is still not able to be who she really is at home with her husband. To be free of the mess that she has made, she kills herself. Cory wants freedom and independence from his father who will not even sign the forms for the recruiter. He starts out confined by his father's wishes of keepinga job so he can save up money to learn a trade; the "practical" thing to do. And he ishelp back from doing what he wants; playing football. He transforms into someone who can stand up to his father.At the end of the play he has completely changed his circumstances; He has moved on from his father, joinedthe military, and made a better life for himself. Cory would not have left if he was happy with what his father wanted of him, therefore his situation in lifetransformed as well as his characterso that he was free of the confining lifeat home. Gregor is trapped in a life of a monotonous job to provide for his barleygrateful family. He takes extreme measures to free himself from thislife by becoming a "bug". This only leads him to being trapped insidea room, receiving poor care from his sister. At this point he begins torealize that his family is not worth his loyalty, and he wishes to be freeof his ungrateful family, and unhappy life. His last option to escapefrom his situation is death. Jean is literally confined "behind a mask". She is not able to show any true emotions and the act that she keeps up wears her out.She is finally able to be herself after marryingSir John who says that he does not care what her past is. With him she is free of her past. Jean transformed from an unfeeling con womanwith a past of poverty to the rich wife of Sir John who is free to feel however she likes. "If I didn't hold back for myparent's sake, I'd have quitages ago" "But then he was in no mood toworry about his family. He wasfilled with sheer anger over thewretched care he was getting." "His own thought that he had to disappearwas, if possible, even more decisive thanhis sister's." "Now she was alone, and hermobile features settled intotheir natural expression, weary, hard, and bitter." "Poverty seemed to have set its bond stamp upon her, and life to have had for her morefrost than sunshine." "Once his wife, she knew she was safe, because for the honor of his name he would screen and protect her." "If she has innocentlyoffended, pardon itfor my sake, andforget the past."-Sir John Coventry "I have been so lonely since! You can't know. Not close to a single soul. Not anyone to really talk to."-Clare Bellew "I want to seenegroes again,to be with themagain, to talk with them, to hear them laugh."-Clare Bellew "Clare stood at the window..... as if the whole structureof her life was notlying in fragmentsbefore her" TransformationFormula TransformationFormula Transformation beginsbecause you feel trappedor confined in life;Either becasue you cannot show your true self, or are held back from doing what you really want. Transformation beginsbecause you feel trappedor confined in life;Either becasue you cannot show your true self, or are held back from doing what you really want. The process continues asyou find more reasons foryour dissatisfaction; thoughts become consumed about whatyou want, or events occurwhich allow you to realizewhat you want. The process continues asyou find more reasons foryour dissatisfaction; thoughts become consumed about whatyou want, or events occurwhich allow you to realizewhat you want. After a transformation either your life situation has changed or your perspective on life haschanged. Hopefully this allows you to be free from whatever was causing direst. Transformation is not always successful though; some situations just cannot be changed. After a transformation either your life situation has changed or your perspective on life haschanged. Hopefully this allows you to be free from whatever was causing direst. Transformation is not always successful though; some situations just cannot be changed. Ouisa's transformed without knowingit. It was a subtle mental change;she went from being a self centered socialite who savored the attentionshe received when jokingly telling stories about other people's lives atweddings, baptisms and meetings. Her husband is the same way; a wealthy white man who doesn'tseem to care for anyone else. When Paul enters her life it forces her to see into someone else's life,and she realizes that she has thecapacity for compassion, unlike her husband. In the end she realizes thatshe wants to be free from her old lifeand her husband's limited views. Hertransformation shows when she physicallywalks away from her husband and a dinnerthat before would have been very importantto her. "Papa was like a shadowthat followed you everywhere. It weighedon you and sunk intoyour flesh." -Cory Maxson "He ought to go and get recruitedin how to fix carsor something where he can make a living."-Troy Maxson "I ain't got to say no excuse to you.You don't count around here no more..........You can't whip me no more. You're too old. You just an old man."-Cory Maxson "That's your problemin a nutshell: you'reso limited."-Ben "And we turn him into an anecdote,with no teeth, and a punchline you'll tell years to come.....Well Iwill not turn him into an anecdote,it was an experience. How do we hold onto experience?"-Ouisa Kittridge "What are you unhappy about?...We're rich!...""We're a terrible match." Alexandra Scott Alexandra Scott
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