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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Brain Tumour Brain tumour is a mass or growth of abnormal cells around the structure of the brain, which is known as brain tumor as well. The different types of brain tumours are Benign, Malignant, Primary and Metastatic. There are no causes, but there are risk factors. These risk factors include: Signs & Symptoms Diagnoses To diagnose a brain tumour, you can have two tests done. One is to get a CT Scan totake X-rays of your brain or to get a MRI Scan which uses amagnet and radio waves to take X-rays of the brain. Both X-rays would be able to determine if there is a brain tumour on your brain. Treatment Surgery First treatment given if available.Most effective treatment. Process in removing as much of the tumour as possible. Gives high levels of radiation directly at the tumour. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Stops or slows the growth of tumour cells with the use of medication. Prevention There is no proper way to help prevent but these are some ways to help you know your body better. By doing so and you do get diagnosed with brain tumour, you will be able to diagnose it at a early stage which won't be as serious. By: Mathuri & Maathumai Causes Exposure to radiation Genetic Syndromes Exposure to pesticides and fertilizers Behavioural Changes Morning nausea and vomiting Dizziness Seizures Coginitive Changes Double or blurred vision Frequent headaches Hearing imparement Weakness or Paralysis Chemotherapy Radiation Therapy There are three main ways to treat brain tumours: Note environmental conditions Check for immune systems or otherhealth issues Ask about your family medical history Pay attention to cell phone usage Live healthier *The Brain Tumour Charity *HeadSmart*The Canadian Alliance of Brain Tumour Organizations*Brain Tumour Research Campaign Public Health Organizations and Campaigns 60% Brain & Central Nervous System : BC Cancer Agency. (2014, 4 22). Retrieved from Brain & Central Nervous System : BC Cancer Agency: Cancer. (2014, 04 26). Retrieved from University of Maryland Medical Center: Cancer Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - How is brain cancer prevented? - MedicineNet. (2014, 4 24). Retrieved from MedicineNet: Tumor. (2014, 04 26). Retrieved from Cancer.Net: Tumor Risk Factors. (2014, 4 15). Retrieved from American Brain Tumor Association: Tumor Statistic. (2014, 4 17). Retrieved from Brain Tumor Symptoms, Treatment, Support, Research: Tumors (Benign and Malignant): Symptoms, Causes, Treatment. (2014, 04 15). Retrieved from WebMD: Tumors (Benign and Malignant): Symptoms, Causes, Treatment. (2014, 4 14). Retrieved from WebMD: Tumour Facts. (2014, 4 22). Retrieved from Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada:, M. C. (2014, 04 16). Brain Tumor Risk Factors. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic: of Brain Tumours. (2014, 04 23). Retrieved from Neurosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh: is a Brain Tumour? (2014, 4 23). Retrieved from Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada: Bibliography There is more than different types of brain tumours. 120 of children with brain tumour will survive but would most likely have long-term effects from it. 60% Around Canadiansare living with a brain tumour. 55 000
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