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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 1882 1851 1868 1865 1875 1888 B'nai B'rith creates Anti-DefamationLeague to combat stereotypes in American culture Covenant Hall Built Disaster Relief ADL Founded ADL Founded #BnaiBrith171 Oct. 13, 1843: Just One of Many Firsts! B'nai B'rith erects firstJewish community center in U.S First overseas aid project sends $4,522 for cholera epidemic ($67,000 today) B'nai B'rith startsDisaster Relief Fundfor Baltimore Flood Overseas Aid 1870s International Affairs Advocacy againstanti-Semitism leadsU.S. gov't to establishconsulate in Romania Oh Canada First lodge outside ofU.S. organized inToronto, Canada B'nai B'rith Created B'nai B'rith Created 1913 Henry Jones and 11 others gather at Sinsheimer's Café tocreate B'nai B'rith Welcome To Europe B'nai B'rith foundsJerusalem Lodge in Israel 1843 1900s Presence in Israel B'nai B'rith's firstEuropean lodge opens in Berlin, Germany U.S. Mission Redefined U.S. Mission Redefined Lodge membersshift to hands-onsocial service projects to assist recent immigrants 1925 1924 Off To College Off To College B'nai B'rith adopts Hillel, dedicated toproviding college students with Jewishidentity/community BBYO Is Born BBYO Is Born Youth programs AZA and B'nai B'rith Girls join to form the B'nai B'rith YouthOrganization 1926 1925 1944 1938 South Of The Border South Of The Border B'nai B'rith founds first Latin American lodge in Panama City, Panama Active In Asia Active In Asia B'nai B'rith founds first Asian lodge in Shanghai, China Expanding In Africa Expanding In Africa B'nai B'rith grows, opening a lodge in Johannesburg,South Africa Land Down Under Land Down Under B'nai B'rith expandsto Sydney, Australia,establishing a presence on all sixdeveloped continents 1971 1947 1945 1953 U.N. Delegation U.N. Delegation Israel Advocacy Israel Advocacy B'nai B'rith Housing B'nai B'rith Housing Model Youth Camps Model Youth Camps B'nai B'rith present atbirth of the United Nations in San Fran.Full-time participationcontinues today B'nai B'rith lobbiedPres. Harry Trumanto back creation ofState of Israel B'nai B'rith begins building network of housing facilities for low-income seniors B'nai B'rith designates properties in PA and WI for youth camps. Theybecome models forJewish camps 1997 2003 1989 1980 Cuban Jewish Relief Cuban Jewish Relief World Center Opens World Center Opens B'nai B'rith center in Jerusalem works withIsraeli government,academic and culturalinstitutions B'nai B'rith mission to bring medical supplies,aid and Jewish cultureitems to Cuban Jews Senior Advocacy Senior Advocacy B'nai B'rith expands senior services in U.S.with Senior Advocacy Program Diverse Minds Challenge Diverse Minds Challenge Annual scholarship contest for high school authors, promoting tolerance 2010 2013 2008 2006 Yad Vashem Partner Yad Vashem Partner B'nai B'rith becomes U.S.Holocaust remembrancerepresentative (UntoEvery Person There Is A Name) AEPi Partnership AEPi Partnership Together, the two organizations co-sponsor educational,service, and Holocaustremembrance events Haiti Disaster Relief Haiti Disaster Relief Following earthquake in Haiti, B'nai B'rith raises $250,000 in aid, for medicine, relief and recovery efforts OAS AntiDiscrimination OAS Anti-Discrimination Pair of conventions offerstrong tools to combatanti-Semitism andbigotry in the Americas
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