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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Biofuels Biofuels Biofuels are substances usually from animals, such asfat and connective tissue, that are burned in and usedin order to replace the usage of actual petroleum fuel. Biofuels are substances usually from animals, such asfat and connective tissue, that are burned in and usedin order to replace the usage of actual petroleum fuel. The Energy Information Administrationhas stated this about biofuels: "Vehiclesrunning on biodiesel blends maytherefore exhibit more at less severe wintertemperatures than do vehiclesrunning on petroleum diesel." Notto mention that if it does not measureup to standards, a driver using biodieselcould experience a 25% decrease inhorsepower. From 2011-2013, almost of biodiesel fuel havebeen produced. The fresh plant andanimal parts used to create thisfuel could have been used to feedhungry people across the globe(before it was all burned). Biodiesel fuel has about more Nitrogen Oxidethan standard dieselproducts. This substancecan form smog and causeacid rain. Is this still moreecofriendly? Biodiesel fuel has about more Nitrogen Oxidethan standard dieselproducts. This substancecan form smog and causeacid rain. Is this still moreeco-friendly? Biofuel production perday in 2011 (inthousands of barrels) Biofuel production perday in 2011 (inthousands of barrels) Central and South America 519.152 Central and South America 519.152 North America 1,004.829 North America 1,004.829 Europe*254.151 Europe*254.151 Africa 0.790 Africa 0.790 Asia109.911 Asia109.911 Oceania 9.27 Oceania 9.27 Greenland 0 Greenland 0 *Some countries combined into other regions *Some countries combined into other regions 10% 10% 1.8 BILLION 1.8 BILLION GALLONS GALLONS DRIVABILITY DRIVABILITY PROBLEMS PROBLEMS CLEANER CLEANER NO NO =50,000 barrels (50.00 on map) =50,000 barrels (50.00 on map) Advantages and Disadvantages of Biodiesel Fuel. Conserve Energy Future. n.p, n.d. Web. 16 December 2014. <> Biodiesel Performance, Costs, and Use. U.S. Energy Information Administration. n.p, n.d. Web. 16 December 2014. <> The Disadvantages of Biodiesel. Biodiesel Energy Revolution. n.p., n.d. Web. 16 December 2014. <> Fitzgerald, Megan. World Map. 15 April 2012. Flickr. Web. 16 December 2014. <> International Energy Statistics. U.S. Energy Information Administration. n.p, n.d. Web. 16 December 2014. <> Lappé, Anna. Diet for a Hot Planet. New York: Bloomsbury USA, 2010. Print. Production Statistics. Biodiesel. National Biodiesel Board, n.d. Web. 16 December 2014. <> Anna Lappé, an environmentalist,states this about biodiesel in herbook, Diet for a Hot Planet, "feedcrops like corn require hugeamounts of nitrogen fertilizer,whose production oftennecessitates the heavy use ofnatural gas. And in the end?The fuel burns with emissions than those ofregular diesel." Rasbak. Horse Fat. 22 February 2010. Wikipedia. Web. 16 December 2014. <,_Paardenvet.jpg>
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