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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 California PoppyFree branching from base, with slender, 824 in.-long stems and blue-green, finely divided leaves. Single, satiny-petaled flowers about 2 in. wide; color varies from pale yellow to deep orange. Pink CheckerbloomGrown for clusters of five-petaled flowers like little hollyhocks May grow erect to 2 ft. high and wide;or may sprawl and spread more widely by rooting at the nodes. Pink or purplish pink, 2-in. flowers in early spring. Common ThriftTufted mounds spread to 1 ft.; leaves are 6 in. long. White to rose pink flowers in tight clusters atop 610-in. stalks. Bloom is profuse in spring (goes on almost all year in mildest climates). Sturdy, dependable plants for edging walks or borders and for tidy mounds in rock gardens or raised beds. Vine MappleIn the forest shade, plant is crooked, sprawling, and vine-like, with many stems from the base. In the open, it becomes a nearly symmetrical small tree535 ft. high, with one or several trunks. Leavesnearly circular, to 6 in. across, with 511 lobes; red tinted when new, light green as they mature, then orange, scarlet, or yellow in fall. Pacific Coast IrisEleven species constitute a homogeneous group within the genus Iris, from which breeders have developed hybrids in a broad range of colors and patterns; flowers may be white, blue shades, pink, copper, brown, maroon, violetmany with elaborate veining or patterning. Foliage is narrow; clumps are like coarse grass. Slender flower stems reach 8 to 24 in., depending on variety. LewisiaTo about 1 ft. high, 10 in. wide. Rosettes of narrow, fleshy, evergreen leaves bear 10-in. stems topped by large, extremely showy clusters of 1-in. white or pink flowers often striped with rose or red. Blooms from spring to early summer. What are Native Plants?Our native plants grew here prior to European contact. California's native plants evolved here over a very long period, and are the plants which the first Californians knew and depended on for their livelihood. These plants have co-evolved with animals,fungi and microbes, to form a complex network of relationships. They are the foundation of our native ecosystems, or natural communities. Native Plants in California Native Plants in California Erick Ramirez
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