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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How a Bill becomes a Law 1st Reading First time read.In the House of Reps bills are placed in a hopper to go faster.Bills that have to do with money start in the House. Sent to the Standing Committee The standing committee is a permanent committee that looks over bills.Is where 90% of the work is done on bills and where 90% of bills die. The Four Main Options they have for the Bill Rules Committee -"Do Pass" Recommendation (goes to the floor)-Pigeonhole (held in committee)-Kill it (bill dies)-Recommend "Do Not Pass" (rare)Decided with a simple majority vote (to move on) Traffic Cop - They decide when the bill goes to the next step.Only in The House- Needed with so many members and used when speaker hate bill. Second Reading Back to The Floor (The entire Chamber)Now they read it fully.Could have waited may months to get here. Third Reading Debate- Begins with Sponsor.Only get a certain amount of time to speak in house. Senate for as long as they want.Only the Senate can filibuster- (endless debate) because they can speak freely time wise.Cloture which is 3/5 vote can end a filibuster.Filibusters usually done by the minority party. Vote on the Bill Take a simple majority Vote. 50%+1218 in The House and 51 in the Senate. Goes to the other chamber and repeats steps 1-7. Checks and Balances Conference Committee Committee of both chamber members.Sent when different from original. Has to look the same from both chambers to continue. Sent to President Can choose from four options-Sign it (becomes law)-Veto it (Bill dies. Can be overridden with super majority 2/3 both chambers.)-Pocket Veto (10 days after congress adjourns, it dies.)-Hold it (Not signed after 10 days, becomes law with no signature.)
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