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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Standing Committee 3 Main options have with a bill Do pass RecommendationPigeonholeKill the Bill Simple Majority vote! to move on How Bills Become Laws 1st Reading The Bill is introduced to Legislature. The Title of theBill is read, and assigned toa Committee. Legslative panels that discuss the Bill, it's where they make amendsto the Bill. 90-90 rule motion requiring two-thirdsof members present in orderto change something Rules Committee House only has it, because its not as strong as the House unlike the Senatewhere it has an open debate Traffic CopEvery major piece of legislation must come to committee before its consider to go to the House floor. 2ndReading Re-read it again, because the Bill has been in committee for months. 3rd Reading FilibusteringA debate that allowsa member or more members to delay or prevent a vote on a given proposal, andthey aren't aloud to leavethe chamber room or sit down. Debate begins with sponsor.Stand and address the Speaker of the house,and waitto be cxalled on. 50% A simple majority voteHouse: 218 votesSenate: 51 votesDon't get this the bill diesif you do the bill keeps going Vote on Bill Checks and Balances Both chambers must voteon the Bill. Sent to other chambers-repeats steps 1-7 Conference Committee Appointed by House of Representatives, and Senate toresolve disagreements on theBill.The Conference Committedrafts the Bill. Sent to President The legislation is placed in theHopper. The speaker of the house decides if he wants t read acertain bill Sign itbillbecomeslaw Veto itBillreturnstoCongress Pocket vetoonly ifCongress adjourns after10 days, meausre dies. Bill becomes law withoutPresident signing it orvetoing it after 10 days. Cloture debate closed, and imediate vote betaken.
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