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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Key Findings on Big Data Development ElasticSearch Spark This week we called C-levels in 300 companies. Our findings ... We counted an average of 1,57 Big Data projects in different Big Data Projects. Counting 471 ongoing projects.Over 50% of these projects are partially or completely in Production. The Internet of things is coming ... and fast. If not here: Machine generated data represents 32% of the used data sources.This includes application log files. R and even more ... Same procedure for: Time for theReal Stuff! 40% of EMEA Top 1000 companiesindicate to struggle with Big DataDevelopment and environments. Nearly 60% of Big Data Project Userswere Business Stakeholders. Line of Business Executives and Business Analysts from marketing, finance and customer care departments. Operationalizing the buzz 53 % has a Big Data solution in Production 23,8 % Serious Planning 22,8 % Investigating http://bigboards.ioTwitter: @bigboardsio Big Companies are starting. Enterprise sized companies made the largest jump. This indicates that Big Data architecturesfind their ways to the enterprise corporate datacenters.Of the Big Data Use Cases Velocity related cases were over 50%. Speed of Processing is a faster enabler on Big Data than Volume.
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