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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Beowulf The HJ's or the Hitler Jugend was a paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party. It existed from 19221945. The HJ's or the Hitler Jugend was a paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party. It existed from 1922-1945. The Luftwaffe was the aerial warfare branch of the Germans in WWII. The Luftwaffe was formed 22635. The Luftwaffe was the aerial warfare branch of the Germans in WWII. The Luftwaffe was formed 2/26/35. Beowulf During the occupation of various countries, Jews and other classes of people were labeled as undesirables. These people were mistreated and sent to concentration camps.Books written by Jews and others of different background were thrown awayand burned. During the occupation of various countries, Jews and other classes of people were labeled as undesirables. These people were mistreated and sent to concentration camps.Books written by Jews and others of different background were thrown awayand burned. The annexation of Austriaalso known as the Anschlusstook place March 12,1938.The Sudetenland was partof Germany that was taken away from them after WWI. It was located in Czechoslovakia. The annexation of Austriaalso known as the Anschlusstook place March 12,1938.The Sudetenland was partof Germany that was taken away from them after WWI. It was located in Czechoslovakia. Beowulf: Beowulf was a great hero, he could do anything even if thought impossible by humans.He could hold his breath for a hole day, and he even could and did slay multiple monsters. He was recruited by Hrothgar (King). The Bund Deutscher Madel (BDM) used campfire romanticism, summer camps,folklore, tradition, and sport to educate girls within the National Socialist belief system. Beowulf VS Monsters Adolf Hitler - Leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party.Joseph Goebbels - One of Hitlers closest associates and loyal followers.Rudolph Hess - Deputy Furher to HitlerHeinrich Himmler - Head of the SS, Chief of German Police and Ministerof the Interior. Baldur Von Shirach - Leader of Hitler Youth
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