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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 2008 2014 1998 1999 2000 2009 2011 1995 1996 2005 2001 Gregg's first missionto Mexico, reignites apassion against injustice First Mission to Kenya, E. Africa Global Outreach Developmentsis officially incorporated as "G.O.D. Int'l" Gregg and Tara move to TN, instead of Africa, believing God will "send many more in your place." "Global Outreach Developments"is established by distributing food & clothing in Azusa, CA. Students Living a Missionruns it's first service campin Daytona Beach, FL The inaugural yearof the "Institute forG.O.D. International" 2004 "NU Nation" year:the community goesfrom 12 and adds 24! First trip to Uganda 2003 2010 First tripto Guatemala Inaugural "Summer Internship"with 12 total participantsgo from Nashville, to Mexicoand then to Kenya. 2006 2007 2013 2012 Initiated "The Hopewell Project"and moved into the neighborhood. First trip to El Salvador Constructed our 2nd "Training Center" in Uganda Adopted IDP campin Molo, Kenya andrebuilt homes/lives. Tara Garner educatesher first expectingfamily and acts as their doula. First Trip to India UnNamed Servantreleased their 3rdStudio Album:Anthem. First trip toThe Philippines Summer Internshiptravelled to Mexico,Jamaica, Guatemala,The Philippines & Hong Kong Details, Music City Handyman, NOVA Birth Services,Center Street Recording& Next Level Nannies are launched. Began takingteams to Jamaica ObtainedPerimeter ParkOffices 2002 First "Multi-PurposeTraining Center, is built in Kenya, E. Africa Routine Community Service in the AppalachianMountains begins. Nate Cameron isthe first graduatefrom the Institute. Blue and Silver Houses built;Green and Whiteare renovated. G.O.D. MastersProgram Begins. First "Da' Mission"goes to E. Africa Da' Missiongoes to India Child Birth EducationProgram Begins... KidCare turns intoG.O.D. Pre-School G.O.D. Elementaryhas it's first semester. Workshop isbuilt. Hopewell Gardensgoes official 7 acres of landis purchased in Uganda. E. Africa teambuilds the first ISSB building in the region Da' Missiongoes to El Salvador Latin Americateam acquires 10 acres in El Salvador S.E. Asia teamchooses hub in Leyte, The Philippines Joel & RachelOlson, with their 2 kidshave a 7 month stay in The Philippines G.O.D. Int'l goes Public! Quick History of G.O.D. Int'l
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