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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 COMICS COMICS The first Marvel movie to hit the box office world wide over one hundred million dollars was the X-men. The movie's box office world wide was $296,339,717 by 2000. One of the reasons why Marvel Comics were so successful over the years was that they licensed/boughtthe rights to all there heroes (including most notably Captain Marvel). One Marvel's most famous licensed hero, Spider-Man, was created to a hit TV series in the 1960s as a method to attract more readers to the character's comics. This graph shows how Marvel was much more popular than DC in the 1960s where they started to create super heroes in their stories instead of monsters. Marvel and DC comics occasionally created crossoversfor their characters to make more sales. Marvel Animated Studios earned a total of $42,935,384 (US sales) for their last and only eight animated movies to increase their comic popularity. Marvel expanded their company by creating videogames for several consoles to attract readers to buy more of their comics. Marvel's first animated movie with Disney made a total of $135,708,000 for the opening theatres. This was considered a success for Disney. Marvel's videogame corporationstroke a deal with other popular videogame companies (Capcom) to create a cross over series, keep their buyers interested in their work. Disney bought a small percentage of Marvel's entertainment so they used Marvel's well known heroes to improve their newest videogame, Disney Infinity.. Marvel Studios' new Avengers 2 movie has an estimated production cost of $250,000,000, making it the most expensive Marvel movie ever. Marvel produce their own line of toys for children to increase their popularity (yet again), and make more sales for their comics. Marvel Studios has the second largest franchise in the world. They already earned 7 billion dollars right after the making of the Avengers. Marvel also created their own line of trading collectable action figures. This proved to benefit very well to the buyes because of how the conditions of the figures were worth over the many years. Marvel Studios plans to createmore movies to attract new readers evenmore, to buy their comics. One of the most familiar products Marvel produces is their line of customized bag packs. This product is considered one of Marvel's most successful line of product because of the popularity it receives from children. Marvel's rival, DC, has been recently planning to create their own superhero team movie in response of the avengers. This movie is called Batman V Superman, and the movies box office pridiction is approximately 2 billion dollars. Marvel Comics have been creating more than 15,000 comics for their main issue titles for 75 years! Wal-Mart (here) is one of many stores that sell Marvel products.Marvel planned to expand their industries other than just comics and movies.
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