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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Black Rhino 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Why are they Being Killed? How to Help Number of Rhinos Poached in South Africa Year Number of Rhinos Poached Per Year in South Africa What is the Black Rhino? Why is this a Problem, and how will it affect the environment? Originally, when early European settlers came to Africa, they saw the rhinos as unnecessary and like vermin. They wanted to use the land as best as they could, so they killed the rhinos to keep their land. These early citizens began the downfall of the Black Rhino. In 1970-1990, 96% of the black rhino population that were still alive were killed. In this time, the rhino horns were used on daggers, and were used to show high class in certain civilizations. In some cultures, the rhino was seen as a magical animal. The horns were seen to have healing powers. Through habitat destruction, and the higher want for the horns in Asia, the population of rhinos decreased significantly. The black rhino is a severely endangered species of rhino that calls many south eastern costal African countries its home. The current estimated population is 4,848. The black rhino may also be called the hook-lipped rhino, as it is its defining characteristic. Scientifically, the black rhino is called the Diceros Bicornis. The rhino typically grows to be 5.2 feet tall, and weighing about 3,080 pounds. The black rhinos live in tropical and subtropical grasslands, and deserts. The rhinos are solitary and keep to themselves. They usually hunt during night, and rest in the shade to avoid the hot African heat. They are herbivores that only eat plants. Unlike the White Rhino, Black rhinos are slightly smaller, and have two horns, and not one. The horns are used for fighting and finding mates in the wild. The horn is made up of tightly compressed strands of Keratin, which makes it very hard. The population density of the species is low, only one rhino in every 100km2 Sam Wood Through poaching, horn removal for profit, and illegal wildlife trade, the destruction of the black rhino population negatively affects us all. The rhino is one of the oldest animals to date. They have been around for ages, and play a big part in many of Africa's Food chains and webs. Without them, we will see negative impacts in our ecosystem and biosphere. With any animal missing from the community, many other tragedies will occur in other populations in the habitat. We could see how important the rhino is in the ecosystem, and may see harmful overpopulation, disease, starvation, and low survival rate in many other animal families. As a world we can create efforts to save the black rhino population. They may be endangered, but we can inform people and begin to save the species. We can create stricter trade rules, to make sure there is no illegal distribution of rhino horns. We can create protected areas where rhinos can live safety. Scientist can go in and safely remove the horns, to stop unnecessary poaching and therefore protect the rhinos. We can make sure the habitat where they live is good, and full of necessary resources of life. We can help guarantee that they have a higher carrying capacity. We can manage the population so it grows healthily, and create more efforts to save the black rhino!
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