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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Avalanches have been known to kill more than 150 people worldwide each year! Most casualties are snowmobilers, skiers, or snowboarders, but all victims caught in this event rarely escape. Is There History Behind Avalanches? What Causes Avalanches? Statistics! An avalanche occurs when snowabove a less dense sliding surfacebecomes heavy and rolls overtop of the potential sliding surface. This can happen by melting or strong vibrations. Avalanches! Avalanches can reach up to speedsof 80 miles per hour within only 5 seconds after starting! Avalanches can reach up to speedsof 80 miles per hour within only 5 seconds after starting! 93% of avalanche victims survive if dug out within 15 minutes of submersion, but within 45 minutes of deluge, only 20 to 30% of victims live. 93% of avalanche victims survive if dug out within 15 minutes of submersion, but within 45 minutes of deluge, only 20 to 30% of victims live. The human body is 3 times denser than avalanche debris! The human body is 3 times denser than avalanche debris! How Can I Prepare For this Nightmare? If you happen to find yourself caught in an avalanche, attempt to get off the slab.Too late? Can't do it? Head straight downhill to gather speed, either running, sliding,or riding, and veer hard right or left to get out of the monster's path. If you are in avehicle, you're in luck! Boost forward at full speed straight down the hill and, maybe,just maybe, you'll be out of harm's reach. If you're already caught, and about to gounder, reach for any sight of a tree and hold on tight. If you're at last resort, unfortunately, all you can do is swim, hope, and pray for a miracle! Community Resources!When you are stuck in an avalanche pile, you always need help. Even if you think you can get out on your own, things will get worse. If this were to happen to you, there are a few steps you should follow:1) Don't panic! Panic is the last thing you should do! No panicing!2) Try as hard as you can to stick a limb, backpack, or anything big enough that someone could see through all the snow atop the snow/ice pile crunching you.3) Eventually, a Rescue Team will come along and assist you out of the snow. In the meantime, without making many movements, kill time by daydreaming, talking to yourself, and keeping a steady breathing pattern. Try to distract yourself from the coldness.4) When the Rescue Team comes along, they will bury you out from the snow, load you onto a snow-ambulance, and take you to the nearest shelter, there, they will eventually transport you to a hospital. Meanwhile, while driving, they will take emergency measures, such things required for your health. Be sure to do what they ask you to do. 5) You must stay confident throughout the whole series of events. You will soon go home. Just don't panic! Abby LeitingerPeriods 1 and 2 1-14-15LA
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