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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Life Cycle of a Star NebulaA star is born within a Nebula. When the star gets older it turns into a red giant. Main Sequence StarFor most of a star's life it does one thing, conveying hydrogen into heliuminto their cores, releasing a immense amount of energy. White Dwarf StarIn the final stage of a stars life it could lack the fuel to cause a fusion reaction. If this occurs it shrinks and becomes a white dwarf star. The outward light pressure from the fusion reaction stops and the star collapse inward on it's own gravity. A white dwarf star will just cool down and become a backround temperature of the Universe. SupernovaIf a supernova occurs the star gets hotter and thicker. It will let go of it's energy and end in a catostrophic explosion. Red Giant StarWhen a star consumed it's stock of hydrogen, fusion stops and the star no longer releases immense amounts of energy. It could now be 100 times bigger and bright red. Neutron StarIf a star ends in a supernova explosion,it could become a neutron star. Thesestars are completely composed ofneutrons, as the name applies. Black HoleIf a star is massive, instead of becoming aneutron star it becomes a black hole. Itcontains a lot of strong gravity. A black holedoes not give off light, so we can see them. We know they're there because of x-rays. QuasarA quasar is a massive and extremely celestial object,emitting exceptionally large amounts of energy, and typically having a star-like image in the telescope.
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