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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources 2. 70% Nominators Guide for Targeted Sectors Nominators Guide for Targeted Sectors Opportunities for Indonesians to study in Australia at Postgraduate level Opportunities for Indonesians to study in Australia at Postgraduate level 1. GEOGRAPHIC FOCUSAREAS GFA) GEOGRAPHIC FOCUSAREAS GFA) TARGETEDSECTORS (TS). TARGETEDSECTORS (TS). KEY AGENCIES (KA) KEY AGENCIES (KA) We are seeking nominations from YOU! An Australian Government Official Who can nominate? DFAT funded project team members 1. 2. 3. Who should you nominate? Identify nominee(s) who fulfill scholarships requirement. Contactnominee(s). Ask your nominee(s) to fill in the applicationform & preparerequired documents. Ask your nominee(s) to fill in the applicationform & preparerequired documents. Nominee(s) submits completed applicationform & required documents to you. Provide applicationsummary & submit italong with completedapplications to the key contact at Australia Awards Scholarships. Other representatives of an entityidentified by the Australian Government Submit nomination form to key contactat Australia AwardsScholarships. Individuals working for the Government of Australia or within Government of Australia funded activities in Indonesia; or, Individuals from a Government of Indonesia, a Non-Government, Private or Civil Society Organisation aligned with Australian Government's interests in Indonesia. Australia Awards Scholarships Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Goals Goals Strengthening bilateral relationship between Australia and Indonesia which exists through a strong and positive view of Australia as a partner in building Indonesia's human resource capacity. Enhancing Indonesia's development by a pool of internationallyqualified professionals working in priority fields. Enhancing Indonesia's development by a pool of internationally-qualified professionals working in priority fields. TARGETED CATEGORY accounts for of all Australia Awards Scholarships Briefing for nominators:Jan or Feb 2015 KEY DATES Briefing forShortlistedCandidates:December2015 Scholarshipsannouncement:January 2016 Submission ofnominee(s)'contact details:February 2015 Briefing for nominee(s):March 2015 Applicationsubmission:April 2015 Interview byJST Team:January 2016
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